The Ride on Luggage.NOT
When the "Ride-on luggage"was out people lost their minds over it.I liked it,didn't particularly LOOVE IT.
While it looked super cool i didn't feel like it was going to be as practical as it seemed to be,specially for a 2 year old,i also had a few safety concerns.
But wait,for those of you who have no idea what i'm talking about it's a... ride-on luggage Duh.
No seriously,its a small case to store kids toys or a few extra tees(or whatever)that has wheels so kids can ride on it (parents can also pull it with a "leash").The idea is very catchy.But i didn't buy for the following reasons:
- overcrowded airports:No your kid won't be able to ride on his Trunki because airports are really crowded so your kid will not have all the space in the world to ride peacefully.
- Actually he might bump into a lot of "in a hurry"passengers and fall off it,hence,safety concern#1 airports being overcrowded your kid is likely to be pushed/kicked unintentionally and might fall off his Trunki.Result:Grumpy kid.
- Major safety concern#2 losing a kid in an airport is one of my worst nightmares,this being said giving your kid a "mean of transportation" to go and explore airports is not really a good idea.I would rather have my child buckled in his stroller or on a backpack leash (i will get back to this)when i'm in transit until i get to the gate.Even worse if a parent is pulling the carry on with the leash they wont be able to keep an eye on the kid,so the kid can get off,or even worse fall off before the parents even notice it.
- More luggage to carry. We all know our kids will be bored of their new toys in about what 10,15,20min? you will eventually end up carrying it for them on top of the stroller and the diaper bag!
So,my advice? Stick to the stroller, toddler sick of the stroller?invest in a backpack with a leash.What? what are you so upset about?Yes a leash.So what.When we were in transit in Heathrow my 2 year old was sick of sitting in his stroller so i put his backpack on and held the leash.He was free to run around as far as the leash could reach (barely a few meters) so i had my eyes on him all the time. He was mad about if the first few minutes because he bounced back whenever he tried to go too far but eventually got the idea!It was a tiny backpack but it did have enough space for a sippy cup a few legos and snacks!so once we were done using it i didn't really have to wonder what to do with it. i folded it and it could fit in my purse
So yes backpack with a leash is my favorite.You will find a bunch on amazon they are relatively cheap and come in cute designs!
I Hope this was helpful !
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